Friends. Family.

As a UC San Diego graduate, the Career Center can assist you through your professional career. Whether you are looking for career services support or to give back to Tritons, we can help.


Recent graduates, within six months after graduation, have access to:

  • Handshake
  • Appointments with Career Center professional advisors
  • Career Peer-Educator Drop-in Advising
  • Participation in events such as job fairs and workshops
  • Job postings
  • Online Resources

Alumni Giving Back

UC San Diego offers various ways in which alumni can give back and support their fellow Tritons. To learn more about how you can give back, visit the Alumni page.

Are you a recent graduate? Complete the First Destination Survey

The First Destination Survey gathered data on the employment status of recent graduates, including their first career, industry, compensation, and graduate school plans. Your response elevates our efforts — helping us improve, inspiring present and future students, and ultimately strengthening the value of your credentials. Complete the 10-minute survey to be entered into an opportunity drawing.

Other Resources

Join Handshake

Join Tritons Connect

Alumni Career Resources 

UC San Diego Alumni Clubs & Groups 

UC San Diego Alumni on LinkedIn

Professional Career Coaches and Counselors