Pre-Health & Pre-Med Advising
Health Beat is our Pre-Health/Pre-Med advising resource for all students. Before scheduling an appointment, we strongly recommend students first visit our Health Beat landing page.
In addition to our resources, we offer strategic one-on-one advising and health professional programming for students interested in applying to any health professional school.
Quick Questions? Email Healthbeat.
- Health Beat Advising
- Pre-Med Advice from Med Students (PAMS)
- Health Beat Student Council
Sign-up for Notification from Health Beat
Advising by Appointment (Handshake)
Appointments are made upto two to three weeks out in advance and get filled quickly. Appointments are released every Friday after 4:30PM PST for the following weeks' appointments. In order to optimize your advising appointment, please come prepared and review the following information prior to meeting with an advisor:
- Review the pre-requisites for your health professional school of choice
- For general resume and CV review meet with a Career Peer Educator (CPEP)
- Review the online resources, FAQs, and timeline for your health professional school of choice
- Schedule a 1:1 appointment with a pre-health advisor via Handshake
Drop-In Virtual Advising Week (Handshake)
- During week 4 for the academic quarter, Health Beat publishes in Handshake a virtual drop-in advising week
- Drop-In week is scheduled for Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarter each year
- Virtual Drop-In advisement are available through "events" in Handshake
- This is considered group advisement, and students are welcome to stay on or leave as they see fit during the drop-in hours
Pre-Pharmacy Advising by Pharmacy Students (Skaggs)
See drop-in advising calendar for additional information. Interested in exploring the field of pharmacy or applying to pharmacy school in the future? Drop in for our quarterly pre-pharmacy advising session for 1-on-1 virtual advising sessions led by some of our talented UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy students.
Pre-Med Advising by Medical Students (PAMS)
A group of UC San Diego medical students offers one-on-one advising with pre-meds on a monthly basis. Ask your questions about the journey to medical school, what makes a strong candidate, how to choose which schools to apply to, what medical school is like, lifestyle concerns, and more!
Feel free to come with any questions or just hang out and listen. All are welcome!